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A000 - GSE Nordic Region Conference 2019 - Agenda Booklet
A003 - Opening Keynote 1 - Machine Learning
A004 - Opening Keynote 2 - Actionable steps to make Agile and DevOps work across the enterprise What are you waiting for
GSE Nordic Region Conference 2019 - Mainframe To Go
S101 - CICS Opening
S103 - Enhancing the Foundation of CICS
S104 - Exploring the Explorer
S105 CICS V5 Performance Highlights
S107 - Dynamic setup
S109 - New Language Support in CICS - Node
S109 - Node.js applications in CICS
S111 - Async Client Scenarios
S112 - AgileApplications
S201 - Db2 Latest News from the Lab
S202 - Best practices and optimizing efficiency in Db2 for zOS Utilities
S203 and S211 - Greatest Hits and Warstories Part 1 and 2
S204 - Db2 Partitioning
S205 - Db2 12 Continuous Availability
S206 - Manage Large Objects LOBs for optimal efficiency with Db2 for zOS
S207 - Flashcopy Db2
S208 - Whats new in Db2 for zOS Utilities
S209 - Ensure your data for events you hope wont ever happen
S210 - Unsung Heroes of Db2 12 zOS Application Development
S212 - Strategies of Managing UTS for Optimal Performances
S301 - Introduction to the Modern IMS Transaction and Database Manager
S302 - The 4 Paths to Digital Transformation in IMS
S303 IMS Management of ACBs at Handelsbanken
S304 - IMS Positioning in the hybrid cloud world or how to demonstrate business value of IMS in an End-to-End view
S305 - Whats New in OTMA and Its Clients
S306 - First experiences implementing and operating IMS managed ACBs
S307 - New Possibilites for API Development with IBM IMS and zOS Connect
S308 - Dont be afraid of ODBM security and gain control over all access points to your databases
S309 - IMS 15 - Whats New Since GA and How to Enable New Functions
S310 - Leverage Checkpoint Pacing to Reduce Batch Windows
S311 - Basics for IMS Tuning
S312 - Mastering DevOps and Cloud Provisioning with IMS
S401 - Whats new in IBM MQ
S402 - The human face of the mainframe using emrging tech to foster technical collaboration
S403 - Test early and often by spinning up as many zOS test environment in minutes as your organization needs
S404 - Introduction to Security and DevOps with zOS Connect EE
S405 - Introduction to MQ
S406 - IBM MQ Application Development Essentials and Anti-Patterns
S407 - SMP_What
S408 - End to End Security
S409 - Ensuring Your Customers Data Privacy with IBM Cloud Private on Z
S410 - IBM MQ End-to-End High Availability Scaling and Workload Balancing
S411 - What is KAFKA and IBM Event Streams
S412 - Privileged users on mainframe safer than we think
S501 - Best Practices in Mainframe Operations
S502 - All the Agility of Cloud Based Development Without Losing out on Security Made Possible With Hyper Protect Services
S503 - A private cloud on your mainframe MLPbank with ICP and MFaaS
S504 - Full stack development in the Digital Era From Apples- Swift to the Mainframe as built by Millennials
S505 - Supporting zOS problem analysis using efficiently Operlog data
S506 - Reuse your established REXXISPF routines in IDz
S507 - IBM MFA for zOS incl. live demo
S508 - IBM Machine Learning for zOS customer engagements and projects best practices and lessons Learned
S509 - Who uses APIs on the mainframe and what do they like about it
S510 - COBOL Treasures
S511 - Keep calm and stay safe you are on mainframe
S512 - IBM Spectrum Scale files Big Data and Analytics
S601 - Zowe An open source tooling for zOS for the next 50 years of the mainframe and beyond
S602 - Db2 12 Z_OS Dev Digest Java Stored Procedures
S603 - Freedom for Mainframe Development
S604 - zOS IDE options to fit the needs of your DevOps pipeline
S605 - Git move to state of the art source code management with IBM ZOD
S606 - Find Treasures in Your Enterprise Code With Business Rule Discovery
S607 - Problem Analysis based on Machine Learning of DevOps Data-1
S608 - Give your developers an intelligent analysis and visualization tool to accelerate Mainframe program understanding
S609 - The Exciting Cobol things we find
S610 - DrivingDevOps - Mainframe developers can relax and get the same automated experience as in a modern car
S611 - Continuous Testing on zOS - separating the myth from the reality
S611 - Continuous testing on zos
S612 - Making the impossible possible Migrate one million source code elements from CA Endevor and Librarian into IBM RTC in 18 months
S701 - Im a new mainframe application developer can I use my favorite IDE - in the cloud or otherwise
S702 - OpsDev keeping performance and capacity in focus with development
S703 - Why the world cant run on a laptop
S704 What makes the mainframe different from a laptop Final
S705 - Develop code that runs the world
S708 - the worlds best linux server
S709 - Zowe A new Face for zOS
S710 - DBA in a DevOps world developer services
A003 - GSENordic-Radcliffe-Keynote-Draft
A004 - Mainframe to Metaverse Cloud to Quantum
S102 - CICS Security Updates
S103 - zOS Connect - API Integration in a Hybrid World
S104 - CICS TS 6.1 Overview
S105 - CICS performance update
S106 - Including CICS in container orchestrated deployments
S108 - Enhancing the foundation of CICS
S109 - Modern Languages in CICS
S111 - Modernizing DevOps in CICS
S112 - Automated testing on the mainframe - Whats new in Galasa
S201 - Test early- Test often- and shift left with automated test case - test data creation and automated execution
S202 Why is it so hard to Adopt Devops
S203 Db2 for zOS - The latest news from the lab
S205 JC Greatest Hits War Stories and Best Practices 2022 Part 1
S206 Db2 for zOS Utilities - The Very Latest Developments
S207 Building pipelines for Db2 for zOS
S208 - Apples trees and data
S210 The evolution of the DBA
S211 JC Greatest Hits War Stories and Best Practices 2022 Part 2
S301- Machine Learning and Data scientce Final
S302 Machine Learning in Examples
S304 - IMS Trends and Directions
S305 - Provision your databases in modern ways
S306 - New Functions in IMS 2020-current
S307 - IMS ESS Setup for DB2
S308 - Calling in IMS using REST APIs with zOS Connect EE with demonstration
S309 - Calling out IMS using REST API from an IMS program using zOS Connect EE with demonstration
S311 - Innovative Customer Solutions to IMS Challenges v2
S312-Visualizing IMS APM
S501 - z16_introduction
S502 - Ansible on zOS
S503 - Fault Tolerant and scalable MQ on zOS
S504 - IBM MQ in Containers zCX and CP4I
S505 - Comparing IBM MQ and IBM Event Streams
S506 - Whats new in IBM MQ
S508 - COBOL V6 Migration
S511 - Mainframe Outsourcing Transparency GSE Nordic 2022 SMT
S601 - Create zOS for devtest in a coffee break
S601 - GSE Nordics 2022 - Create zOS for devtest in a coffee break
S602 - Cloud Native Development with IBM Developer for zOS Enterprise Edition
S603 - The Economical Secure and Fast Approach to a Modern and Entirely Open-Source DevOps zSystemsOS
S606 - You cant spelle the mainframe without AI
S607 - Unlimited number of test environments with ZDT
S610 - COBOL 6.4 - WHats New
S611 Common CICD to Drive Business value and Cultural Transformation
S101 - CICS 6.1 Solution Overview
S102 - Enhancing CICS Foundations
S103 Problem Analysis and Performance Tuning for CICS
S104 - Security Zero Trust
S105 Java in CICS in 60
S106 - Building a DevOps Pipeline for CICS Applications
S107 - CICS and AI
S108 - Using Ansible to Accelerate your Automation Journey to CICS public
S109 - Application Modernization with Java on CICS
S201 - Db2 for zOS - V13 and Beyond
S202 - How to Hack Db2 for zOS - Lessons Learned from Mainframe Hackers
S203 - Admitting the cloud into Db2
S204 - Db2 13 Performance and zSynergy
S205 - Db2 zOS housekeeping
S206 - The Definite Guide to PBG to PBR conversion with Db2 v13
S207 - How Can Python Help You with Db2
S208 - A Rows Life
S209 - Db2 for zOS Utilities update
S210 - SQL Data Insights
S301 - IMS Update
S302 - Modernize your IMS system using AI and analytics
S303 - Can Data Streaming Help Secure your IMS Data
S304 - Transform your IMS application with COBOL and Java interoperability
S305 - DDL Crash Course for IMSers
S306 - Finding your way around IMS
S307 - IMS native DDL utility
S401 - Whats New in MQ
S402 - MQ REST Messaging
S403 - Month to Month - Year to Year Capacity Planning
S404 - MQ Security in a Zero Trust World
S405 - Using Ansible for mainframe automation
S406 - MQ Accounting and Statistics on zOS
S407 - Modernizing Application Testing our experience with Galasa
S408 - Introducing IBM zOS Change Tracker for zOS V2.5
S409 - All Hands on Deck Come Together with the Fab Four Capacity Performance Cost and AI
S501 - SRE on the Mainframe
S502 - Quantum-Safety - embark on the journey_IsabelArnold
S503 - Extending Mainframe security to the cloud_Arnold
S504 - Using Kafka with z_OS for Hybrid Cloud Integration
S505 - Is your IT infrastructure Fitfor business purpose
S506 - Only as Resilient as your weakest link
S507 - How to bridge the mainframe and distributed computing kingdoms. The rosetta stone that I wish Id had when I began computing has been discove
S508 - Hybrid OAS3 zOS Connect
S509 - Simplifying mainframe development with Zowe open source tooling
S510 - Intelligent Automated Intelligence enabling the platform to support heal and dynamically adapt to changing workloads
S601 - Modernizing DNB fleet - FVC Jounrey from Mainframe to Cloud
S602 - COBOL developers at BEC use git and you can too
S603 - How ADDI is helping to migrate to DevOps pipelines
S604 - Building the Future of Enterprise IT with IBM zSystems and Microsoft Cloud
S605 - A pragmatic approach to test modernization.pptx
S606 - Intelligent Build systems for zOS applications
S607 - Python on z-OS
S608 - Data Quality in DevOps
S609 - Everything you wanted to
S610 - IT Automation on zOS level using ZOAU Python - Ansible
S701 - IBM zSystems Skills
S702 - Growing a new generation of Mainframers
Z003 - Closing keynote - Stand-Up and Deliver_Arnold