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Conference Evaluation
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A004 Closing Keynote Mainframes and Cloud - the Ultimate Collaboration 2
S101 - CICS TS 6.2 technical overview
S102 - CICS TS 6.2 - Security enhancments
S103 - Achieving High Availability and Reliability with CICS and other back-end applications
S104 - Using Security Discovery to Enable Resource Security
S105 - Customer In Production - Our Modernisation Journey - GSE 2024
S106 - Whats up with mainframe app development in the Cloud
S107 - Provisioning and managing CICS regions using Ansible
S108 - How to make the most of your mainframe modernisation with zOS connect
S109 - Automating Deployment of CICS Bank Sample Application using Ansible - CIP GSE Nordic Region 2024
S110 - CICS TS Revisited - Async API and Events
S111 - Building Your First Automated Tests for zOS Using Galasa
S201 Db2 trends and directions gse nordic june 2024
S202 Leveragin_Db2_zOS_v12_v13_Enhancing_Database_Design_and_Application_Performance
S203 Db2 V13 Utility History
S204 Myth busters locks and latches handouts
S205 Squeeze_Your_Data_with_Db2
S206 The_unstoppable_rise_of_PBR_table_space
S207 Db2z online schema gse nordic june 2024
S208 High_performance_DBAT_in_Db2
S209 Driving_Down_Database_Development_Dollars
S210 Db2 zOS meets WLM - 101 basics stories of common mistakes pitfalls and failures
S211 IFCID_enhancements_you_may_have_missed_handouts
S301 IMS Update
S302 IMS analytics and data streaming oh my 20240611
S303 IMS Modernization
S304 IMS managed-ACBs Migration Magic Twists Turns and Triumphs Unveiled
S305 Simplifying the Administration and Management of IMS 20240612
S306 Finding your way around IMS 24 01 22 GSE Nordic
S307 Ideas for Tuning an IMS TM Environment
S308 Everything you wanted to know about the IMPORT command but were afraid to ask
S309 Understanding the IMS TM Scheduler
S310 OPenSource tools to IT Automate your IBM Z system including live demo
S311 Goodbye to Baby-sitting your zOS Jobs with Zowe Integrated JCL Checking _demo
S401 Stormy Monday - Reactive and Preventive Capacity Management Processes
S402 IBM Event Automation
S403 Protecting the Keys to the Kingdom with Encryption and Key Rotation
S404 Whats New in IBM MQ
S405 A Tour of the new RMF Grafana Plugin
S406 Using SDSF to Analyze Memory
S407 Modernising MQ administration on zOS
S408 Increasing Operational Resilience with IBM Z
S409 So_You_Dont_Think_Youre_An_Architect
S410 Modernising MQ applications to use Java
S411 Modernizing application deployment with Ansible
S501 How Handelsbanken dealt with the shortening supply of COBOL developers
S502 - Static and Dynamic Analysis of COBOL Applications
S507 Assembler what else extended for GSE Nordics
S508 The New Era of Mainframe Security and Resiliency
S509 - I Get My CICS On Route Zowe
S510 Open DevOps our implementation
S511 Evaluating Latent Demand in the Mainframe Environment
S601 - Foundation Models - LLM - genAI
S602 - Wowee its Zowe
S604 Witness the magic Best ISPFSQLDB2 tool ever _and its for free
S605 Modernize your applications with GenAI
S606 - Most Common Performance Challenges
S607 - zOS 3 1 User Experiences
S608 -The Story of Women and IT in Lithuania
S609 Welcome to the Jungle - Tailor Fit Pricing is a Golden Era of Performance monitoring and Tuning_FV
S610 - zOS Connect - Introduce your mainframe to the world of APIs
S611 42 - Hitch Hikers Guide to the ABEND Codes FV
A000 - GSE Nordic Region Conference 2019 - Agenda Booklet
A003 - Opening Keynote 1 - Machine Learning
A004 - Opening Keynote 2 - Actionable steps to make Agile and DevOps work across the enterprise What are you waiting for
GSE Nordic Region Conference 2019 - Mainframe To Go
S101 - CICS Opening
S103 - Enhancing the Foundation of CICS
S104 - Exploring the Explorer
S105 CICS V5 Performance Highlights
S107 - Dynamic setup
S109 - New Language Support in CICS - Node
S109 - Node.js applications in CICS
S111 - Async Client Scenarios
S112 - AgileApplications
S201 - Db2 Latest News from the Lab
S202 - Best practices and optimizing efficiency in Db2 for zOS Utilities
S203 and S211 - Greatest Hits and Warstories Part 1 and 2
S204 - Db2 Partitioning
S205 - Db2 12 Continuous Availability
S206 - Manage Large Objects LOBs for optimal efficiency with Db2 for zOS
S207 - Flashcopy Db2
S208 - Whats new in Db2 for zOS Utilities
S209 - Ensure your data for events you hope wont ever happen
S210 - Unsung Heroes of Db2 12 zOS Application Development
S212 - Strategies of Managing UTS for Optimal Performances
S301 - Introduction to the Modern IMS Transaction and Database Manager
S302 - The 4 Paths to Digital Transformation in IMS
S303 IMS Management of ACBs at Handelsbanken
S304 - IMS Positioning in the hybrid cloud world or how to demonstrate business value of IMS in an End-to-End view
S305 - Whats New in OTMA and Its Clients
S306 - First experiences implementing and operating IMS managed ACBs
S307 - New Possibilites for API Development with IBM IMS and zOS Connect
S308 - Dont be afraid of ODBM security and gain control over all access points to your databases
S309 - IMS 15 - Whats New Since GA and How to Enable New Functions
S310 - Leverage Checkpoint Pacing to Reduce Batch Windows
S311 - Basics for IMS Tuning
S312 - Mastering DevOps and Cloud Provisioning with IMS
S401 - Whats new in IBM MQ
S402 - The human face of the mainframe using emrging tech to foster technical collaboration
S403 - Test early and often by spinning up as many zOS test environment in minutes as your organization needs
S404 - Introduction to Security and DevOps with zOS Connect EE
S405 - Introduction to MQ
S406 - IBM MQ Application Development Essentials and Anti-Patterns
S407 - SMP_What
S408 - End to End Security
S409 - Ensuring Your Customers Data Privacy with IBM Cloud Private on Z
S410 - IBM MQ End-to-End High Availability Scaling and Workload Balancing
S411 - What is KAFKA and IBM Event Streams
S412 - Privileged users on mainframe safer than we think
S501 - Best Practices in Mainframe Operations
S502 - All the Agility of Cloud Based Development Without Losing out on Security Made Possible With Hyper Protect Services
S503 - A private cloud on your mainframe MLPbank with ICP and MFaaS
S504 - Full stack development in the Digital Era From Apples- Swift to the Mainframe as built by Millennials
S505 - Supporting zOS problem analysis using efficiently Operlog data
S506 - Reuse your established REXXISPF routines in IDz
S507 - IBM MFA for zOS incl. live demo
S508 - IBM Machine Learning for zOS customer engagements and projects best practices and lessons Learned
S509 - Who uses APIs on the mainframe and what do they like about it
S510 - COBOL Treasures
S511 - Keep calm and stay safe you are on mainframe
S512 - IBM Spectrum Scale files Big Data and Analytics
S601 - Zowe An open source tooling for zOS for the next 50 years of the mainframe and beyond
S602 - Db2 12 Z_OS Dev Digest Java Stored Procedures
S603 - Freedom for Mainframe Development
S604 - zOS IDE options to fit the needs of your DevOps pipeline
S605 - Git move to state of the art source code management with IBM ZOD
S606 - Find Treasures in Your Enterprise Code With Business Rule Discovery
S607 - Problem Analysis based on Machine Learning of DevOps Data-1
S608 - Give your developers an intelligent analysis and visualization tool to accelerate Mainframe program understanding
S609 - The Exciting Cobol things we find
S610 - DrivingDevOps - Mainframe developers can relax and get the same automated experience as in a modern car
S611 - Continuous Testing on zOS - separating the myth from the reality
S611 - Continuous testing on zos
S612 - Making the impossible possible Migrate one million source code elements from CA Endevor and Librarian into IBM RTC in 18 months
S701 - Im a new mainframe application developer can I use my favorite IDE - in the cloud or otherwise
S702 - OpsDev keeping performance and capacity in focus with development
S703 - Why the world cant run on a laptop
S704 What makes the mainframe different from a laptop Final
S705 - Develop code that runs the world
S708 - the worlds best linux server
S709 - Zowe A new Face for zOS
S710 - DBA in a DevOps world developer services
A003 - GSENordic-Radcliffe-Keynote-Draft
A004 - Mainframe to Metaverse Cloud to Quantum
S102 - CICS Security Updates
S103 - zOS Connect - API Integration in a Hybrid World
S104 - CICS TS 6.1 Overview
S105 - CICS performance update
S106 - Including CICS in container orchestrated deployments
S108 - Enhancing the foundation of CICS
S109 - Modern Languages in CICS
S111 - Modernizing DevOps in CICS
S112 - Automated testing on the mainframe - Whats new in Galasa
S201 - Test early- Test often- and shift left with automated test case - test data creation and automated execution
S202 Why is it so hard to Adopt Devops
S203 Db2 for zOS - The latest news from the lab
S205 JC Greatest Hits War Stories and Best Practices 2022 Part 1
S206 Db2 for zOS Utilities - The Very Latest Developments
S207 Building pipelines for Db2 for zOS
S208 - Apples trees and data
S210 The evolution of the DBA
S211 JC Greatest Hits War Stories and Best Practices 2022 Part 2
S301- Machine Learning and Data scientce Final
S302 Machine Learning in Examples
S304 - IMS Trends and Directions
S305 - Provision your databases in modern ways
S306 - New Functions in IMS 2020-current
S307 - IMS ESS Setup for DB2
S308 - Calling in IMS using REST APIs with zOS Connect EE with demonstration
S309 - Calling out IMS using REST API from an IMS program using zOS Connect EE with demonstration
S311 - Innovative Customer Solutions to IMS Challenges v2
S312-Visualizing IMS APM
S501 - z16_introduction
S502 - Ansible on zOS
S503 - Fault Tolerant and scalable MQ on zOS
S504 - IBM MQ in Containers zCX and CP4I
S505 - Comparing IBM MQ and IBM Event Streams
S506 - Whats new in IBM MQ
S508 - COBOL V6 Migration
S511 - Mainframe Outsourcing Transparency GSE Nordic 2022 SMT
S601 - Create zOS for devtest in a coffee break
S601 - GSE Nordics 2022 - Create zOS for devtest in a coffee break
S602 - Cloud Native Development with IBM Developer for zOS Enterprise Edition
S603 - The Economical Secure and Fast Approach to a Modern and Entirely Open-Source DevOps zSystemsOS
S606 - You cant spelle the mainframe without AI
S607 - Unlimited number of test environments with ZDT
S610 - COBOL 6.4 - WHats New
S611 Common CICD to Drive Business value and Cultural Transformation
S101 - CICS 6.1 Solution Overview
S102 - Enhancing CICS Foundations
S103 Problem Analysis and Performance Tuning for CICS
S104 - Security Zero Trust
S105 Java in CICS in 60
S106 - Building a DevOps Pipeline for CICS Applications
S107 - CICS and AI
S108 - Using Ansible to Accelerate your Automation Journey to CICS public
S109 - Application Modernization with Java on CICS
S201 - Db2 for zOS - V13 and Beyond
S202 - How to Hack Db2 for zOS - Lessons Learned from Mainframe Hackers
S203 - Admitting the cloud into Db2
S204 - Db2 13 Performance and zSynergy
S205 - Db2 zOS housekeeping
S206 - The Definite Guide to PBG to PBR conversion with Db2 v13
S207 - How Can Python Help You with Db2
S208 - A Rows Life
S209 - Db2 for zOS Utilities update
S210 - SQL Data Insights
S301 - IMS Update
S302 - Modernize your IMS system using AI and analytics
S303 - Can Data Streaming Help Secure your IMS Data
S304 - Transform your IMS application with COBOL and Java interoperability
S305 - DDL Crash Course for IMSers
S306 - Finding your way around IMS
S307 - IMS native DDL utility
S401 - Whats New in MQ
S402 - MQ REST Messaging
S403 - Month to Month - Year to Year Capacity Planning
S404 - MQ Security in a Zero Trust World
S405 - Using Ansible for mainframe automation
S406 - MQ Accounting and Statistics on zOS
S407 - Modernizing Application Testing our experience with Galasa
S408 - Introducing IBM zOS Change Tracker for zOS V2.5
S409 - All Hands on Deck Come Together with the Fab Four Capacity Performance Cost and AI
S501 - SRE on the Mainframe
S502 - Quantum-Safety - embark on the journey_IsabelArnold
S503 - Extending Mainframe security to the cloud_Arnold
S504 - Using Kafka with z_OS for Hybrid Cloud Integration
S505 - Is your IT infrastructure Fitfor business purpose
S506 - Only as Resilient as your weakest link
S507 - How to bridge the mainframe and distributed computing kingdoms. The rosetta stone that I wish Id had when I began computing has been discove
S508 - Hybrid OAS3 zOS Connect
S509 - Simplifying mainframe development with Zowe open source tooling
S510 - Intelligent Automated Intelligence enabling the platform to support heal and dynamically adapt to changing workloads
S601 - Modernizing DNB fleet - FVC Jounrey from Mainframe to Cloud
S602 - COBOL developers at BEC use git and you can too
S603 - How ADDI is helping to migrate to DevOps pipelines
S604 - Building the Future of Enterprise IT with IBM zSystems and Microsoft Cloud
S605 - A pragmatic approach to test modernization.pptx
S606 - Intelligent Build systems for zOS applications
S607 - Python on z-OS
S608 - Data Quality in DevOps
S609 - Everything you wanted to
S610 - IT Automation on zOS level using ZOAU Python - Ansible
S701 - IBM zSystems Skills
S702 - Growing a new generation of Mainframers
Z003 - Closing keynote - Stand-Up and Deliver_Arnold